MONAI: Open Science for the Challenges of Medical Imaging AI
Stephen Aylward
June 9, 2021, Wednesday, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
Open science is an often overlooked yet major contributor to the recent successes of AI in academia and industry. Open science prioritizes reproducible experiments via the sharing of data and algorithms (software). The Medical Open Network for AI (MONAI, is an open source platform that prioritizes ease-of-use and reproducibility in the research, development, and deployment of deep learning applications for medical imaging. This talk will describe how the practices of open science and the capabilities of MONAI can benefit your medical imaging AI explorations.
Stephen Aylward is the senior director of strategic initiatives and founder of Kitware's North Carolina office. He helps drive multiple research and open source software development projects at Kitware. Over the past 25+ years, Stephen has conducted medical image analysis research covering nearly every aspect of health care, including screening, diagnosis, treatment planning, guidance, and outcome assessment for mammography, neurosurgery, partial liver transplantation, retinopathy of prematurity, stroke, traumatic brain injury, pre-clinical cancer studies, and others. He has also been instrumental in the creation of the Insight Toolkit (ITK), major updates to 3D Slicer, and the development of new technologies and the VTK.js library for web-based scientific visualization.

Stephen's current research is focused on the development of point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) applications, the characterization of vascular morphology for disease assessment, and the advancement of multiple open source platforms such as MONAI, the open source deep learning library for medical imaging.

Stephen received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill in 1997. In 1992, he earned his certification in artificial intelligence from Washington University. Stephen received his master's degree in artificial intelligence from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1989 and his bachelor's degree in computer science from Purdue University in 1988.